
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

pretty in PINK - OOTD

Salam alajkum my beautiful Ummah of Nour ladies out there !

This is just a super quick OOTD, basically this it was happens when I feel girlish and pink :P
I  love pink, it's such a bright - feel good - colour and you all know I prefer comfortable outfits - just ideal for school / university and so on ... 

so today I'm "pretty in pink" xD

Hijab: thin pashmina - forever 18 | Pullover: H&M |Shirt underneath: H&M | Jeans: Mango |
Boots: Ukala EMU | Bag: from Berlin - Germany | Watch: Tommy Hilfiger

Watch: Hilfiger | Bag: my beloved bag, I got about 2 years ago in Berlin

Have a nice day girls !


Samira - UMMAH of NOUR

Pictures are owned by Ummah of Nour, if you use any make sure there is a link back to this blog!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Childhood memories - first GIVEAWAY

Salam alajkum ladies!

Thank you a thousand times for your patience, I was quite busy the last couple of weeks ...
but finally here it is, the very first Ummah of Nour giveaway 

I was thinking about it a lot when suddenly the idea of a time travel came to my mind.
A time travel back in the past, back when we were really young, back to our childhood!
Childhood memories are like a treasure, a very precious treasure, that no one can ever take away from you!

I got a lot of beautiful memories and thanks to my beautiful and gorgeous mom 
for catching all this memories and special moments with her camera !
It's so much fun to look through this photos in the album ...

I want you to share your childhood memorie with Ummah of Nour
just email me your favourite picture when you were a baby or a kid !
If you want to, tell me why this is your favourite one...

1. Send an email with your favourite childhood picture of yourself to
2. please add your Name, where you are from and how old you were when this picture was taken
3. We would like to publish it (we'll watermark it first) on our FB page,
 if you don't want that - please let us know!
4. And I would like to hear what memory you connect with this picture or what childhood means to you
5. Last day to enter the giveaway is the 30th of March 2013

IMPORTANT: this is an international giveaway but Ummah of Nour  is just a  blog, not a business and I'm just a student , please understand that the winner will have to pay shipping costs ... 
thank you for understanding 


aaaand there will be a little surprise ....
the gorgeous Pins A Licious sponsored something for this giveaway ! 
#uhlala #soexcited

Samira . UMMAH of NOUR

Pictures are owned by Ummah of Nour! If you use any you have to make sure there is a link to this blog!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Outfit for a graduation ceremony


A friend of mine has passed the "Matura" ( Austrian university entrance qualification) and so we joined her graduation ceremony - this was my outfit for this evening ...

Hijab: from New York - Chinatown | Tikka: Pins A Licious | Blazer: H&M (on SALE now for 7 Euro) | Dress: Zara | Jeans: Zara | Clutch: Primark | Watch: Tommy Hilfiger | Shoes: Goldstyle Vienna |

Clutch: Primark | Watch: Hilfiger

Tikka: Pins A Licious

hopeee you'll like it !
you knooow - I always love to read your thoughts, share it with me in the comments below!


All pictures are owned by Ummah of Nour, if you use any make sure there's a link back to this blog!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

World hijab day - February 1st!

SALAM ALAJKUM to all my lovley beautiful hijabi and non-hijabi sisters ooout there!

I guess you all heard about it and inshAllah a lot of you participated at this lovley event, the world hijab day. I think an event like this is a good cause and great idea, a chance to come closer - closer to Islam, closer to eachother, closer to people who believe in other faiths, closer to Allah swt and what he expects us to do!
We all know that covering our hair and body, covering our awrah, is a duty for muslim women. Allah swt told us that we have to do that, but of course in the end it's YOUR CHOICE if you follow the rules or if you don't. On judgment day we will have to take responsibility for our life and our doings.
An just in case anybody get me wrong, if I say WE HAVE TO - you shouldn't read this with the voice of an oppressed muslim girl that is forced to wear a hijab! No! Allah is the greatest, the creator of each and everything, he is defenitely not reliant on us humans, he don't need us at all - it's us humans who NEED HIM and so wearing a hijab is something we do for our own benefit, something we do to please him, something we do to get Allah's swt pleasure!
(by the way sorry for mistakes in grammar or vocabulary ^^ would be much easier to do this in German ;)
 To get back to the point, it's your choice - and nobody should judge anyone for wearing the hijab in "a wrong way" or for not wearing the hijab at all! The world hijab day is an opportunity for new(converted) muslim women / girls to make their first experiences with hijab, a day to make one step ahead to your choice wearing a hijab. But also for born muslims who didn't wear a hijab yet  (for whatever reason) to get the chance to make another experience with covering them selves.
Wearing hijab is the most wonderful present you could ever make yourself, I started wearing my hijab about 11 months ago and it was the best decision ever! This piece of fabric means liberty to me. The liberty to control who is allowed to see me or rather how much of me!
The world hijab day is also a day for non-muslim women, I guess it helps making people understand that we are not anything different at all - we are human beings and that's the point! Wearing a hijab for one day - walk in our shoes and see the way we are living would make it easier to understand and tolerate our way of life. I hold women who do something like that in high esteem!
Therefore it makes me sad and angry if I read some comments on different Facebook pages saying:
"The Revealed Rules of the Religion of al Islaam are not a toy that one plays with. The covering of the ^Awrah (Unlawful nakedness) of a woman is a revealed Rule in the Religion of Al Islaam- it has a status.  It is not a Rule in which one comes to try IT out for a day to see whether or not they LIKE it. OBEYING Allaah is a MUST and not a CHOICE.  The Rules of the Religion of Al Islaam are not intellectually derived alone from the mind. As in regards to the non-Muslim embracing Hijaab, then let the Ignorant Muslims who did not learn and who hold such days learn the basic Religious Knowledge of Al Islaam so as to be able to guide the Non-Muslim to first embrace the Religion of Al Islaam. As that non-Muslim, if Accountable is OBLIGATED TO EMBRACE THE RELIGION of Al Islaam and thereafter learn the Revealed Rules of the Religion of Al Islaam i.e that the Muslim female has to cover certain parts of her body IN OBEDIENCE To Allaah, the Exalted and the Glorified and not because she has a CHOICE in trying it out for a day. These are the times we are living in sadly, where ignorant individuals hold such events as RESULT of NOT Learning what did Allaah, SUBHaanahoo wa ta^aalaa command. They THINK they are doing good but just THINKING you are doing good does not mean that it is necessarily RIGHT."
 Each to his own, but in the world we live in, in a world where muslim women are considered to be oppressed and forced to wear a hijab, in a world Islam is something evil, in a world people connecting our beautiful religion with death, war, terror and force - how could you dare to say that a beautiful idea like the world hijab day is playing with the revealed rules of Islam like a toy?

Islam is perfect, beautiful and so full of love ! Islam is open minded and not close minded ...
Why shouldn't we care about sisters who struggle with wearing a hijab and also about women of different faith who would like to understand us muslim women a little more ? A worldwide event like this is building bridges and should go on and on - year for year!

To those who don't believe in the effect of such an event, read through the wonderful postings on World Hijab Day's FB page and you'll find a lot of touching stories like for example

"OMG! So my dear friend Amina Zh wore hijab out today for World Hijab Day, and now she has decided to keep it on! I am so proud of her and so happy for her! Congrats again sweety!

What a wonderful incentive this has been! My warmest congrats too to those who came together and created this amazing event! I'm just here to take part in this initiative and spread the word. Insha'Allah each and every year this will get bigger and better and will be a great success! xo" [Atia Saifullah]


"I participated in World Hijab Day, as a gift for my Muslim friend Robin. I feel so much respect for women who are willing to do this every single day. I know that they feel in their hearts that God wants them to do this. I will go out of my way to show my respect to any Muslima I see, because for one day, I walked in their shoes and I see that it isn't easy. I am going to practice "As-salam alaykum."
By covering yourself, you have a sense of control. You get to control who
can and can't see you. You don't allow people to judge you and deem you "beautiful" or "ugly." You control what they see and they have to relate to you on a different level than just appearance. Many women are trying their hardest to be sexy, attractive, desirable, but by covering up you are sending a clear message that you are not going to play that game. It seems very feminist. ♥" [Jennifer Garrett] 


"And my daughter sporting her favourite scarf. She said she got called names but she kept wearing it and it didn't seem to bother her. We are Christians but love our Muslim sisters!" [Kerri-Jo Stewart, British Columbia] ♥ 
 how could somebody ever say that a day like this is playing with the rules of Islam like a toy?
Where is your heart, your eyes and your common sense?

May Allah bless you all and inshAllah a lot of sisters will make their choice wearing a hijab and
inshAllah those people who had the strenght to see the world through our eyes for one day and covered themselves to feel like we do, will also cover their souls with the mercy of our creator - Allah swt through Islam! may Allah guide them to right bath, he is the most mercyful !

 Would love to hear your opinion - if you want to comment below ...

Monday, February 4, 2013

Pins A Licious Review

Saaaalam alajkum beautiesss ! :]

Voila! Finally, here it is, my review about Pins A Licious ... 
About two months ago I came across Pins A Licious's Facebook page, a one-woman business based in Birmingham - UK, and what I saw just made me immediately "LIKE" this page - INSTANTLY I fell in love with her beautiful handmade pins, headpieces, tikkas, hijab jewelry ! 

A little later I placed my first order - it was so hard to make a decision between all this beautiful stuff 
but finally I ordered two tikkas and some gorgeous pins! The lovley sister that runs this business offered me such an amazing customer service ! My order has been placed on a sunday and friday morning it has already been in my mailbox (the package was pink, sooo cute) ... so shipping was really quick!

I adore her business cards, so classic, so beautiful ! 

All this jewelry came in a beautiful gold colored bag !


cute "rosey posey-pins" in black and pink, they are so lovley! [5 for £2.50]


The golden flower bloom tikka,£7.50 and my beautiful maxi assorted pins £3.20 for 4

 The golden flower bloom tikka, one of my favourites and my first tikka ever ... it's so unique and just perfect for a wedding, eid, special date with your hubby or just a girls night ! 
For whatever occasion, I think this tikka gives your whole outfit this special touch ! 

... it also looks great if you wear it on the side, unfortunately I got no pictures of this look ...

When I ordered this pins, I didn't expect they would be THAT beautiful, they look even better than on the pictures. They are perfect for everyday hijabstyle and give your hijab this certain something!
  Mostly I wear them with plain hijabs ... but also on patterned hijabs.


Elegant tikka pin £3.80 with different colour pearls, mine is ivory

I'm sooo in love with my stunning Pins A Licious tikka!

So I really recommend Pins A Licious's wonderful handmade highquality jewelry to you sisters:
very obliging service, quick shipping, beautiful products, good prices - all this aspects make Pins A Licious my favourite online store for hijab jewelry.

Visit Pins A Licious on Facebook 

So this was my Pins A Licious experience !



Ummah of Nour is the owner of all the pictures on this blog, if you use any you have to make sure there is  a link back to this blog! Thank you Ummah of Nour.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Lucky winner of SAMAN'S giveaway!

Salam alajkum girlssss :] hope you are all doin good, inshAllah! 

Today's post is more than an OOTD - it's an  "I'm the lucky winner" OOTD!

 I joined in one of Saman's Makeup & Hijab Styles giveaways (as a private person of course)... and WOW - I won! I couldn't believe it but yes I did alhamdulillah...  do you know this feeling? Pobably all of you who ever won a contest / giveaway or whatever know that feeling so well, you check the page to know who's the winner [but as usual a lot of people took part and it's really kind of improbably that just YOU would win] and then there it is - YOUR NAME - and you just can't believe it and read it all over again, and it is still your NAME right after the sentence saying: "and the winner is ..."  :)

Chatterbox ^^ ... haha to get to the point I got a beautiful Pashmina named Fallpash that is still available 
in sisters Saman's online shop for 10$

 Hijab: Fallpash - Saman's Makeup & Hijab | Shirt & Jeggin H&M | Shoes: Shop somewhere in Paris | Watch: Hilfiger

Fallpash Pashmina 

The package also included a pretty brooche (I looove the colour!) and a pack of snug free safetypins (that are also available in her shop), we hijabis can never get enough pins - especially me, I always lose them ... #chaoticSamira


Thank you so much Saman for all this beautiful things!
I really appreciate you and  look up to you, you are an inspiration for every hijabi girl!
 Keep up the good work, may Allah swt bless you and your family!

Check out Saman's Makeup & Hijabs online shop
Saman's Makeup & Hijab Styles - Facebook


Ummah of Nour 

Ummah of Nour is the owner of all the pictures on this blog, if you use  any you have to make sure there is a link back to this blog! Thank you Ummah of Nour.